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Reusable Cloth Nappies: Why you should give them a go & why they don’t have to be hard!

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

What do you think of when you think about reusable cloth nappies?

Seriously hard work? Buckets of gross water, stewing for days?

Well, they have come an awful long way since the days our parents/grandparents used them, the washing machine does most of the hard work and we now dry pail (get rid of poop down the loo & chuck them as they are in a bucket until washing) so there’s no gross water anymore either!

Cloth nappies still tend to be something that either doesn't really come across our radar much or is something that many of us (me once included) have really negative connotations of: they're gross, they're too hard, etc.

I was certainly one who thought so, but once you give them a try, I truly believe, the majority of us would willingly make the switch and ditch the disposables!!

Honestly, the issues above aren't really the case. Yes, they are different and yes they take getting used to, but they are really amazing, having come on leaps and bounds from what used to just be terry towelling nappies & rubber pants. Plus, it's actually the washing machine that does most of the hard work now and in my opinion (and experience), if I can avoid those regular whole changes of clothing because of poo leaks from disposables, hands down, cloth nappies win!

So, let's go into a bit about why cloth nappies are great:

🌿 Firstly, there is clearly the eco reason. We can't get away from the fact that disposable nappies are a huge source of the one use plastic issue so cutting down on this would obviously be amazing.

🌿 No chemicals! Yes, disposables lock in that moisture but this is only because of the chemicals in them and you may think that cloth nappies will leave baby feeling all wet, but no, most nappies now have a stay dry layer or you can add a fleece liner which is like magic at helping babies bums feel dry!

🌿 Nappy rash- like nothing in life, there is no guarantee, but many parents have suggested that cloth nappies has helped with reduction in nappy rash.

🌿 Containment- I wasn't sure whether to put this one because of poop talk, but hey, us parents have to deal with plenty of's just part of being a parent! Honestly, I can attest to how great cloth nappies seem to be on containing those awful poops as my little man has had some awful ones contained incredibly well within cloth nappies, whereas the times he was in disposables, wow...the horror! They leaked everywhere. Again, it's not a given but get good nappies & a secure fit and they can work wonders on this area.

🌿 Now, let's talk money. Yes, cloth nappies cost to start up, but they don't have to cost ridiculous amounts and there are plenty of ways to keep costs down (which I'll go into more another time), but hiring a kit can be an amazing help as you then know exactly what you need to get, as opposed to wasting time and money on nappies you may not even get on with. This is totally the mistake I made at the beginning! Plus, you'd be surprised at the amount disposable nappies and wipes cost over the years! Then, if you were to use them on more than one baby, even more savings and finally, if you look after those cloth nappies, you can usually sell them on at the end to get a nice little bonus back too.

🌿 Then there's the cute colours and pretty patterns! Now, this doesn't mean you need to buy all the nappies out there (and you really shouldn't, especially if being more eco was one of your main goals) but they definitely help!

How to start (I’ll keep it nice & simple):

1. Find what actually works for you and your baby by trying a variety first! Don't spend loads on a particular style of nappy or two before you know they're definitely right for you. This is where trial kits can be brilliant. You get to try a whole range out to find what works, plus get to just give the whole cloth nappy idea a go before actually committing yourself! Plus you get my full 1:1 support the entire, win, win!!

2. It doesn't have to be all or nothing! By all means start slowly, even one or two nappies a day will make a difference (1 a day = 365 less disposables a year)! Plus, when building your own stash, if you start slowly, you can spread those costs to help make it easier.

3. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask for help!

  • Maybe you want the opportunity to learn EVERYTHING you need to know to give cloth a go? To have all your questions answered, making you completely ready for the start of your journey. Then one of my workshops is the thing for you.

  • Plus, I've set up a wonderful online community in a Facebook group called 'All Things Reusable Cloth Nappies' so come find us, join in and ask any questions you may have! Or my inbox is always open so you can come find me personally if you'd rather!

Just remember, little things can make a huge difference when they're all added together. If we all used even a few cloth nappies a day, the impact would be massive!

Don't hesitate any longer...go on, give cloth nappies a go!

Get in touch now to chat, book a space on a workshop or book out a kit for the chance to try them out before committing fully...whatever works best for you! What have you got to lose? And honestly, there's a seriously high chance you will love them!

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